
October 14, 2021

The Solar Future of Queensland

On average, Australia has the highest availability of solar radiation per metre in the world, so it makes sense that more people are taking advantage of this energy source. Currently, in Australia, there are over 465 000 homes have been installed with renewable energy systems, with Queensland having the greatest number of solar homes. In 2019, 15% of Queensland's total energy was solar-generated. 

Queensland’s Current Solar Situation

The Queensland Government is looking to improve the current solar situation in Queensland. By 2020, the government wants 1 million houses to be connected to solar power systems. This would generate over 3000 megawatts of electricity for homes around Queensland and lower the total greenhouse gas emissions in the state.

This year 9.9% of Queensland’s energy usage energy was from renewable energy sources, with 6% mainly coming from rooftop solar panels. The government hopes to make 50% of energy renewable by 2030. This massive goal is still supported by Energy Minister Anthony Lynham, while the green energy market believes Australia will find it difficult to reach this figure in 10 years. 

ACES Program 

To improve the distribution of solar energy across Queensland, the Government has changed the 2006 Electricity Regulation to match Australian and international distribution network voltage limits. This will result in the higher working efficiency of electrical home appliances while decreasing the required voltage. 

State schools currently spend more than $71 million each year on energy. Over 1200 schools are using small-scale solar PV systems but more renewable energy can be used once more technologies are implemented in more schools.  

The Government has invested $97 million into more than 800 state schools across Queensland for the Advancing Clean Energy Schools (ACES) Program. The initiative focuses on where schools can reduce their energy cost and efficiency through solar and energy efficiency testing. 

The schools are selected based on their current energy usage, population, site condition and the possible return from the investment. The program is split into phases 1 (2019-2020), 2 (2020-2021) and 3 (2021-2022). Savings made from the program will be used to support the program, which will contribute to the long-term goal of 50% renewable energy across Queensland.




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